The Sisterhood of the Myrrhbearers was established in 2002 and is part of the parish of St. Xenia's Orthodox Church of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
The objective of the Sisterhood is to render active aid to the parish through a benevolent life and Christian deeds of charity, tending to the needs of the church, the clergy and parish, along with its institutions, and also for general needs of the diocese and of the common church needs of the Russian and Universal Church. (See “ROCOR Statutes for Sisterhoods in North America,” April 1955).
The Sisterhood seeks to meet these objectives by addressing specific tasks as follows:
Monthly publication of the St. Xenia's newsletter
Weekly baking of Prosphora
Hosting a weekly coffee hour following Liturgy
Church Beautification
Parish Feast Day Banquet
Fall Festival (October 31st)
Lilac Nights Dinner Dance
Yearly Women's Retreat to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY
Bake Sale and Soup Sale Fundraisers
Meal Train for Newborns
Visiting the Sick and Elderly
External Charity to Methuen Public Schools through the fall backpack and December winter coat drives
External Charity to the Lazarus House Food Pantry
External Charity to local Pregnancy Resource Centers
To contact the Sisterhood with questions please email:

Your donations can help fund the Sisterhood's many services and events. Payments to the Sisterhood can be made by:
- Sisterhood Venmo information:
- Sisterhood Paypal (Click button below)

We like to rotate our coffee hour service, so if you can help out, please speak with the head sister.
14Feb5:30 PM VigilSat
8:40 AM Hours
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy
5:30 All-Night VigilSun
16FebProdigal Son
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgySat
22Feb5:30 All-Night VigilSun
23FebMeatfare Sunday
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy