His Eminence NICHOLAS
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the ROCOR
75 E. 93rd Str.
New York, NY 10128
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the ROCOR
75 E. 93rd Str.
New York, NY 10128

President: Archpriest Michael Crowley (978) 204-0428
Warden: Andrei Doohovskoy (339) 223-4168
Secretary: Subdeacon David Nettleton (203) 895-7636
Treasurer: Isaac (Shedly) Justinien (646) 639-9273
Sisterhood: Meghan Nettleton (617) 309-6473
Cemetery: Natalie Pishenin (978) 761-3449
Anthony Sarantakis
Dmitri Nikshych
Joseph (Kami) Ajgaonkar
Choir Director: Laryssa Doohovskoy
Church School Director: Alexei Doohovskoy
Upcoming Events & Services
9MarTriumph of Orthodoxy. Tone 4
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgyWed
12Mar5:30 PM Presanctified Divine LiturgySat
15Mar5:30 All-Night VigilSun
16MarSt. Gregory Palamas Tone 5
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgyWed
19Mar7:40 AM Presanctified Divine LIturgyFri
21Mar5:30 PM Matins "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"Sat
22Mar7:40 AM Hours & Divine Liturgy "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"
5:30 All-Night Vigil