Sunday | |
9:30am | - Hours and Divine Liturgy Confession during Hours |
Saturday | |
5:30pm | - All-Night Vigil Confession during Vigil |
Eve of Feast | |
5:30pm | - All-Night Vigil Confession during Vigil |
Feast | |
8:00am | - Hours and Divine Liturgy Confession during Hours |

When visiting our parish for the first time, please remember that regardless of whether or not you are an Orthodox Christian we are very honored by your visit and happy to meet you. Feel free to introduce yourself to any one of our clergy at the end of the service or to one of our many members. Our services are in English, and there are English books where you can follow the Divine Liturgy as we move through the service. Just check in with someone by the candle stand in the front of the Church to find a service book.
In accordance with Holy Tradition, we do not have pews at St. Xenia's. There are, however, benches along the walls for the elderly and any who are unable to stand for the whole service, so please feel free to sit if you need to.
As Orthodox Christians we make every effort to show respect for the Church by the way we dress and conduct ourselves when attending Divine Services. At St. Xenia’s, our dress code is pretty straight forward. Women cover their heads with a veil or headscarf, cover their shoulders and wear skirts or dresses that are at least knee-length. Men are expected to wear shirts with collars and long pants. It is Traditional for men to stand on the right and women on the left when facing the iconostasis.
9MarTriumph of Orthodoxy. Tone 4
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgyWed
12Mar5:30 PM Presanctified Divine LiturgySat
15Mar5:30 All-Night VigilSun
16MarSt. Gregory Palamas Tone 5
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgyWed
19Mar7:40 AM Presanctified Divine LIturgyFri
21Mar5:30 PM Matins "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"Sat
22Mar7:40 AM Hours & Divine Liturgy "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"
5:30 All-Night Vigil