2014 Lenten Choir Retreat Schedule*
Thursday, March 13th
5:00 Registration and Dinner
7:00 - 9:30 Rehearsal
Friday, March 14th
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 - 11:30 Rehearsal
11:30 Presentation on Vocal Health by Laryssa Doohovskoy
12:00 Lunch
1:00 - 4:00 Rehearsal and Skype Master Class with Vladimir Gorbik
4:00 - 4:45 Video Presentation by Dr. Vladimir Morosan “Musical Ethos of Orthodox Lenten Services” followed by Skype Q&A
5:00 Dinner
6:30 Matins (Soul Saturday)
Saturday, March 15th
8:00 Liturgy (Soul Saturday)
11:00 Brunch
12:00 Presentation by Reader Robert Stauffer "The Canon as a Musical Construct"
12:30 - 4:30 Rehearsal and Skype Master Class with Vladimir Gorbik
4:30 Dinner
5:30 Vigil
Sunday, March 16th
9:00 Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (St. Gregory Palamas) followed by Trapeza
*schedule is subject to change
Upcoming Events & Services
12Mar5:30 PM Presanctified Divine LiturgySat
15Mar5:30 All-Night VigilSun
16MarSt. Gregory Palamas Tone 5
9:30 Hours and Divine LiturgyWed
19Mar7:40 AM Presanctified Divine LIturgyFri
21Mar5:30 PM Matins "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"Sat
22Mar7:40 AM Hours & Divine Liturgy "Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebaste"
5:30 All-Night VigilSun
23MarAdoration of Cross. Tone 6
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy