SundaySun |
MondayMon |
TuesdayTue |
WednesdayWed |
ThursdayThu |
FridayFri |
SaturdaySat |
Dec 29 (Dec 16)
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy
Fast: fish, wine & oil
Dec 30 (Dec 17)
Dec 31 (Dec 18)
1 (Dec 19)
10:00 AM, Moleben for the New Year Cleaning Day for the Nativity Feast
2 (Dec 20)
3 (Dec 21)
4 (Dec 22)
5:30 All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil
5 (Dec 23)
Holy Fathers
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy
Fast: wine & oil
6 (Dec 24)
Forefeast of Nativity
8:00 AM, Royal Hours of the Nativity 9:30 AM, Vesperal Divine Liturgy of the Forefeast of Nativity
5:30 PM, Great Compline, Matins & First Hour
Fast: wine & oil
7 (Dec 25)
9:30 AM, Hours & Divine Liturgy
8 (Dec 26)
9 (Dec 27)
10 (Dec 28)
11 (Dec 29)
5:30 All-Night Vigil
Fast free
12 (Dec 30)
Sunday Before Theophany
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy 1:00 PM Parish Yolka
Fast free
13 (Dec 31)
14 (Jan 1)
Circumcision of the Lord
Fast free
15 (Jan 2)
16 (Jan 3)
17 (Jan 4)
5:30 PM Vespers & Matins
Fast free
18 (Jan 5)
Forefeast of Theophany
9:30 AM Hours & Divine Liturgy of the Forefeast Vespers w/Blessing of Waters
5:30 Great Compline, Matins & First Hour
Fast: wine & oil
19 (Jan 6)
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy Blessing of Waters
20 (Jan 7)
21 (Jan 8)
22 (Jan 9)
23 (Jan 10)
24 (Jan 11)
25 (Jan 12)
26 (Jan 13)
Sunday After Theophany
9:30 Hours and Divine Liturgy
27 (Jan 14)
28 (Jan 15)
29 (Jan 16)
30 (Jan 17)
31 (Jan 18)
Feb 1 (Jan 19)